Sunday, May 20, 2012

B is for Brown

When I think of brown I think of the crayon I had to always use when making self portraits in elementary. While some of the other girls were using the yellow, blue, green, red, I used brown...for my eyes, for my hair, for my skin. I could only get creative when I'd draw my clothes. I was usually wearing a purple or red dress with a heart in the middle of it.

Brown is also the color of my mom's upright piano that now sits in my home. Piano is the daily vacation of my life. No matter what time I get home from work, I'll always spend a little time tickling the ivories. There's just something so soothing and relaxing about making music. Recently I played 45 minutes of background music for my grandma's funeral service. I think most people saw me up there and heard what I was playing, but others told me they didn't even realize the music was live; that I blended so well into the scene and the music just flowed naturally like everything was meant to be. Using my music, I was able to help facilitate a peaceful environment that would be the last time we would all say goodbye to our grandma. The power of music is unexplainable, the peace of music is undeniable, and my passion for music is unbreakable. I will continue to play piano until my dying breath, knowing that music will also carry me into the world to come. 

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