Friday, July 26, 2013

1/4 Life Reflection

Well I've done it.

I made it to 25 years old without completely ruining my life.
There were sometimes I questioned if I'd ever see this day, but now all doubts have been washed away.

Right now, I'm sitting next to Justin as he plays Batman Arkham city in our empty living room...except this couch.

I got the bad news last weekend that my house has some water leakage underneath the floors and this will involve 4-6 weeks of destruction and reconstruction of 1/2 my house. I'm a little freaked out, but knowing I have someone to help me not stress about this situation is very comforting.

As many of you know, we now have a new member of our family...Harmony. She is the sweetest little pup in the world (and yes, I'm biased). Even so, I never imagined how loving a little animal could be. I'd had pets growing up, but they were a family responsibility, so I never took a primary role in caring for them. Now I'm like an obsessed little momma making sure Harmony is always safe, fed, and taken care of. I look forward to coming home and opening the door to find her there excitedly waiting! I really want her to find other puppy friends to play with.

There are many things in my life that make me happy and I'm going to take a moment to list them all here (not necessarily in any order)

My Garden
My piano students
My coworkers
My managers
My family
My long time friends
My comfy mattress
My fishys
Candy crush (uh yeah)

I honestly have nothing to complain about really. That isn't an arrogant statement or anything. It's just that there have been plenty of times where I was lacking something, someone, some place. But now, I know that if I gained nothing more than what I live with today I would be content for the rest of my life.

I most definitely have hopes and dream of a better future; who doesn't?
But I'm no longer in a place where I would have to make stretches and sacrifices and take risks that I shouldn't be taking.

I have been immensely blessed, and I suppose this post serves as a simple update for now and record to look back on that today I am content. Today I am at peace.
No amount of money in the world could replace the fulfillment I am experiencing at this point of my life and I look forward to the day when my joy supersedes what I am experiencing today.

Much love and blessings,